Abstract :
The financial statements are an information window that allows the parties outside the company's management to determine the condition of a company at the time ofreporting. Where information obtained from a company's
financial statements dependson the level of disclousure of the relevant financial statements. This study aimed to determine whether there is influence of profitability, liquidity, leveragae, publicownership, age, status, and firm size on the completeness of disclosures in annualfinancial statements to the manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange in 2008 until 2010. Population used in this study were all manufacturing companies listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2008-2010. The selection of the sample usingpurposive sampling. Based on these criteria, 46 companies obtained the samples in this study. The analytical method used is multiple regression
analysis. Based on theresults of data analysis some conclusions can be stated as follows: the analysis showed that only negatively affect the liquidity variable,
whilw other one, profitability, leverage, public ownership, age, status, and firm size has a positive effecton the completeness of the disclosure of financial statements. of good size models thisresearch is 59,3%