Abstract :
The situation of world banking that experienced the jolt as a result of the global crisis that happened made the economy experience the difficulty including in Indonesia. Many banks experienced the liquidity difficulty because of many
debtors who failed paid (banking lost). This incident caused the investor to pull his fund because worried the loss happened and caused the price of the share to plummet to the first market. The investor must carry out the assessment before investing so that knew kenerja from the banking company. This research aimed at proving the influence of the health of banking that was considered with the CAMELS analysis (Capital, Asset, Management, Earning, Liquidity, Sensitivity to Market Risk) towards the price of the share to the company perbakan that listing in BEI. Analisis CAMELS to consider the health of a bank aimed at seeing the achievement from this bank. With the achievement of
the good bank, will influence the price of the share in the money market. The price of this share was influenced by the investor who was interested investing his fund in order to get the profit that was hoped for. The data that was used was the secondary data, took the form of the data from the ICMD report and the report on finance of the year company 2008-2010 that was received from the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) and IDX. Sampel from this research was the banking company that was registered in BEI the year 2008-2010. The data was gathered with the method purposive sampling. As for the sample that was used by as many
as 24 companies each year. This research used Linier Berganda Regression. Results of this research showed that together CAMELS was influential towards the price of the share.