Abstract :
Still a capital expenditure of district / cities used does not match the level of regional economic growth. Where should the level of economic growth go hand in hand with capital expenditures used by the district / cities governments. This research to identify the effect of the general allocation fund, revenue, and a special allocation of funds to economic growth, with capital expenditure as an
intervening variable. The sample used in this research were 35 districts / cities in Central Java source from the realization reports Budget (APBD) of year 2006-2010. The method of data collection used in this research is a method of census the population of all districts / cities in Central Java. The method of analysis used in this research is the regression analysis for the first stage and second stage. From the first stage regression result that the General Allocation Fund (DAU), Regional Own Revenue (PAD), and Special Allocation Fund (DAK) positive effect on capital expenditures (BM). From the second stage regression result that the General Allocation Fund (DAU), Regional Own Revenue (PAD), Special Allocation Fund (DAK) and Capital Expenditure (BM) positive effect on economic growth (PE). From the analysis of the results obtained by the path that the General Allocation Fund (DAU), Regional Own Revenue (PAD), and Special Allocation Fund (DAK) effect on Economic Growth (PE) through Capital 2 Expenditure (BM). From the research results of R in the first stage of 39.4% and 34.9% for the second stage of the model.