Pengaruh Retention Ownership, Investasi Dana Proceds, Reputasi Auditor, Underpeicing, Dan Earnings Managemnt Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan.
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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bank Bpd Jawa Tengah
Rohmani, Indra Adita
H Social Sciences (General) 
2024-02-19 05:42:17 
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to know the influence by the proportion of ownership are retained by the old owner (RO), investment of the proceeds, auditor reputation, underpricing and earnings management on the firm value after the public offering. The result of the study Wahyu Widarjo et all 2010 is show result value of adjusted R square 0,59 motivate researches to reexamine the retention of ownership, investment of the proceeds, auditor reputation, underpricing and earnings management in companies doing IPO stock exchange in Indonesia. Data taken from ICMD research that does an initial public offering. Sample companies gained as much as 31 companies from 5 companies doing ipo between the years 2008-2010. The stastical methods used to test he research hypothesis is multiple linear regression. The result showed that the retention of ownership, investment of the proceeds, underpricing positive effect on firm value. While auditor reputation, earnings management has no effect on firm value. The result of the reexamine show value R square 0,96 
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Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bank Bpd Jawa Tengah