Abstract :
Capital structure is a proportion between the use of debt and own equity, so that it can reach optimal capital structure. Considering there are so many factors influencing the capital structure, the research could not explain one by
one of the entire factors. Several factors which were examined in this research as independent variables are structure of assets, profitability, growth of assets, firm
size, business risk, and liquidity. Capital structure as dependent variable was proxied by DER. Specifically, the purpose of this research was to retest and to develop by analyzing factors which influenced capital structure in Indonesian banking sector. The sample used of this research consisted of 92 conventional banks listed in Bank Indonesia during the period 2006-2009 which was selected by purposive sampling method. This research used multiple regression method to examine the influence of each variable to capital structure. The result of regression test showed that firm size and business risks had positive influence to
bank?s capital structure. The variables: structure of assets, profitability, and liquidity showed negative influence to bank?s capital structure. The result also
showed that growth of assets variable had no effect to capital structure. The result of adjusted R square showed a value of 0,65. It means this research model can explain dependent variable that is capital structure of 65%, and the rest 35% explained by variable or other cases out of model.