Abstract :
Audit report lag is an important issue because it will affect the timeliness of financial reporting which contains information used by the users of information in decission making. The longer audit report lag will reduce the investor confidence. This study aims to test empirically the influence of corporate governance to audit report lag in manufacturing companies listed on BEI. Corporate governance
variables on this research are audit committee size, proportion of independent commissioner, and frequency of audit committee meetings. This study also used control variables, there are firm size, profitability, and olvability. The sampling method was purposive sampling. Sample of this research was 22 companies with observation periode 2008-2010 and analyzed by multiple linier egression.2 Adjusted R value on this research was 30,1%. The result showed that frequency of audit committee meetings has negative influence to audit report lag, while audit
committee size and proportion of independent commissioner have no influence toaudit report lag.