Abstract :
Exchange rate is the ratio between a unit of currency with a number of other currencies can be exchanged at any given time. Given the magnitude of the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on the economy, we need a good management of exchange rate fluctuations in the predictions that can be run with a stable economy. In the event of a failue in exchange rate management, then it may cause interference to the economic stability. The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the variables of inflation, money supply (JUB), gross domestic product (GDP) and BI
rate on the exchange rate within 10 years, ie from the year 2001-2010. The data used in this study is secondary data taken from Bank Indonesia and the BPS. Period in this study for 10 years, starting from the year 2001-2010 and annual data form. The results of this study indicate that the economic factors that can affect the rate of inflation and gross domestic product (GDP), while the money supply
(JUB) and BI may not affect the exchange rate. But at the same variable inflation, money supply (JUB), gross domestic product (GDP) and the central bank can influence the exchange rate.