Abstract :
The economic crisis that hit Indonesia in 1997 is a major cause of banking
crises. The amount of credit reserves and losses as a result of the difference in the
exchange rate of U.S. dollar against the yen led to decline in banks' capital so
most banks unable to meet its obligations on capital adequacy, which result in
reduced performance of the banking system. In times of crisis, NPLs of commercial banks reached 50% so that the level of the banking industry profits minus 18% (Muljono, 1999). Banks need to improve its performance as an indicator of bank soundness rating. Health is a reflection of the condition of banks and bank performance that is useful for the supervisory authority in setting the strategy and focus in the supervision and guidance to the bank. This study population is the National Private Banks Foreign exchange
(Conventional) with a sample consisting of 25 banks, using census sampling method. Analysis of the data used in this study were descriptive statistics, classical assumption test, t test, F test, linear regression analysis and nalysis of the coefficient of determination. Based on the results of research on the 25 National Private Banks Foreign exchange (Conventional) in 2007-2011 concluded that there are positive and significant between Adequancy Capital Ratio (CAR) of the Income Changes, and a significant negative effect among non-Perfoming Loans (NPLs), the positive
influence and significant relationship between Return On Asset (ROA), and the absence of influence between Loan Deposit Ratio (LDR) of the Income Change, jointly influence and significant between CAR, LDR, NPL, ROA of Income
Changes. Calculation results are known or adjusted oefficient of determination 2 R of 58.4% Change Earnings affected by CAR, LDR, NPL, ROA. The remaining 41.6% are influenced by outside factors such variable.