Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Bank Bpd Jawa Tengah
Sukmawati, Lina Ratna Dewi
H Social Sciences (General)
2024-02-19 05:15:14
Abstract :
This research is conducted to analiyze the influence of earning per sahre, price earning ratio to the stock price. The population of this research are consisting data of all automotive companies listen on the Indonesia stock exchange 95 companies for period 2006-2010 without selected by sampling method. The analytical method used in this study is multiple regression analysis performed with SPSS 17 for windows. Before doing multiple regression analysis, we must do a classic assumption test. In addition to assessing the goodness of fit from a model, we use coefficient of determination test, F test and t test. This research using a year data from 2006 ? 2010 for each variable. The results of
analysis then showed that this research data had fulfilled the classical assumption covering normal distribution, no multicolinearity, no autocorrelation, and no heterocedasticity. The empiric result indicates that simultaneously all factors significantly affect the stock price and partially earning per share and price earning ratio have significant influence to stock price but not at inflation rate. Earning per share have beta value 0,001 with value of significance 0,000. Price earning ratio interest rate have beta value 0,005 with value of significance 0,015. Simultaneously, earning per share and price earning ratio variables have significant effects on the stock price that isin the amount of 35%, whereas the rest 65% is influenced by other factors outside the research models