Abstract :
Credit distribution at Bank Jateng KC Banjarnegara Central Java has increased from 2020-2022. After the COVID-19 pandemic ends, NPL will decrease in 2022. The most important management in banking is managing fund raising activities. This research aims to determine the influence of third-party funds, NPL and credit interest rates on credit distribution. Sampling is based on a saturated sample, that is, the entire population is sampled. So, the sample obtained is all third-party funds, non-performing loans, credit interest rates, and credit distribution by Bank Jateng KC Banjarnegara for the 2019-2022 period. The results of this research show that: 1) the DPK variable has a positive and significant effect on credit distribution at Bank Jateng KC Banjarnegara for the 2019-2022 period, 2) the NPL variable has an insignificant negative effect on credit distribution at Bank Jateng KC Banjarnegara for the 2019-2022 period and 3) The credit interest rate variable has a negative and significant effect on credit distribution at Bank Jateng KC Banjarnegara for the 2019-2022 period
Keywords: Third Party Funds, NPL, Credit Interest Rates, Credit Distribution