Abstract :
Banking continues to develop its products, one of which is mobile banking. According to a
survey conducted by Top Brand Award in 2022 and 2023, BNI Mobile is always last in the
number of mobile banking users, with a percentage of 11.20% in 2022 and 11.30% in 2023.
The research method used in this study is quantitative method. H1 Perception of Convenience
has a positive and significant effect on re-interest in using BNI mobile. The results showed
that the T count (4.980) T table (1.660) and the significance value (0.000) 0.05. H2
Perception of Comfort has a positive and insignificant effect on re-interest in using BNI
mobile. The results showed that the T count (1.528) T table (1.660) and the significance value
(0.130) 0.05. H3 Risk Perception has a positive and significant effect on re-interest in using
BNI mobile. The results showed that the T count (4.832) T table (1.660) and the significance
value (0.000) 0.05. The perception of convenience has a positive and significant effect on reinterest in using mobile banking. Perceived convenience has a positive and insignificant effect
on re-interest in using mobile banking. Risk perception has a positive and significant effect on
re-interest in using mobile banking.
Keywords: Mobile Banking, Perception of Convenience, Convenience, Risk