Abstract :
In the development of human resources to create a comfortable working environment while also achieving increased productivity, attention needs to be given to investigating the impact of Idiosyncratic Deals (I-Deals) on company performance. Idiosyncratic Deals refer to special agreements that occur between individual employees and managers, involving elements such as job flexibility, task agreements, and unique work schedules for each individual. This research aims to provide new insights into how organizations can optimize policies and practices related to Idiosyncratic Deals to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Furthermore, this can serve as a basis for the development of more effective management policies and practices in enhancing company performance through Idiosyncratic Deals management, thus contributing to the literature on human resource management and strategic management.
The research method was conducted through employee survey questionnaires, with the research sample consisting of employees from various startup companies and the population of startup companies with hybrid work systems in the Semarang City area, considering the variations in the characteristics of Idiosyncratic Deals they possess, and data processing from survey results was conducted using SmartPLS 4.0 as data processing software.
The data analysis results provide a deep understanding of the relationship between Idiosyncratic Deals and company performance, where the Schedule I-Deals and Task I-Deals variables show a positive influence on job satisfaction which impacts the improvement of company performance.
Keywords : Idiosyncratic Deals, Schedule I-Deals, Task I-Deals, Ethical Climate,
Job Satisfaction, Company Performance.