Abstract :
This research aims to analyze the influence of environmental consciousness, economic consciousness, health consciousness, healthy lifestyle and attitude on intention to use bicycles (case study in the Cilacap area, Central Java. The density of transportation activities such as the use of motorized vehicles is the main source that triggers environmental pollution, especially air pollution from exhaust emissions produced. The population in this study is the community including the workforce in Cilacap, Central Java, totaling 830,043 in 2021. The sampling technique used in this research is non-probability sampling with the Slovin formula so that 100 are obtained. respondents. Data analysis was carried out using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method using SmartPLS software version 4. The results of the study showed that environmental consciousness had a significant positive influence on attitude, economic consciousness had a significant positive influence on attitude, health consciousness had a significant positive influence on attitude, health consciousness has a significant positive influence on healthy lifestyle, healthy lifestyle has a significant positive influence on attitude, healthy lifestyle can mediate the influence of health consciousness with attitude, and attitude has a significant positive influence on intention to use
Keywords: Intention to Use, Environmental Conciousness, Economic Conciousness, Health Conciousness, Healthy Lifestyle, Attitude