Abstract :
The economy in Indonesia has developed from year to year, one of which is in companies
engaged in providing funds. There are many factors in making financing decisions, one of
which is psychological factors. This study aims to determine and understand the effect of
psychological factors Social Interaction, Self Attribution, Oveconvidence, Availability,
Emotional on financing decision making on customers of PT Homecredit Semarang. This study
uses data by distributing questionnaires via google form as a medium for collecting data for
100 respondents, the data is processed using SPSS software. The analysis used in this study is
descriptive analysis, data feasibility test, classical assumption test, descri.ptive statistical test,
multiple linear regression test, and hypothesis testing. The results of this study indicate that
Emotional has a positive and significant effect on decision making. While Social Interaction,
Self Attribution, Overconvidence, and Availability have no significant effect on decision
Keywords: social interaction, self attribution, overconvidence, availability, emotional