SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK DI SMK NEGERI JENAWI BERBASIS ANDROID (Penelitian pada Mahasiswa Semester VI Tahun Akademik 2019/2020 jurusan S1 Sistem Informasi)
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STMIK AUB Surakarta
Q Science (General) 
2021-03-05 04:50:48 
Abstract :
The role of the teacher in the scope of the school is very important in the teaching process, therefore every time students finish learning, students are given assignments, daily tests, Mid-Semester Examinations (UTS) and Final School Examinations (UAS) to measure how much students are able to capture the material being taught, see things it would be better if student scores could be managed through the system. School academic management is still carried out in writing based on unified records, causing repetition of data which results in inefficient bookkeeping. The aim of this research is to build and design an Academic Information System at SMK Negeri Jenawi based on Android. The results of the design of the Academic Information System at SMK Negeri Jenawi based on Android use the waterfall system development method. For system weakness analysis using PIECES analysis. Meanwhile, to describe the data flow using a system flowchart, usecase diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams and class diagrams. The programming language used is Android Studio, while for database processing using MySQL. The result of this research is that there is an Android-based Academic Information System at SMK Negeri Jenawi. This system facilitates the processing of student data, teacher data, subjects, classes and grades. 
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STMIK AUB Surakarta