Rivanaldi Irawan, Septiansyah
T Technology (General)
2024-02-15 08:13:56
Abstract :
PT. Merpati Maintenance Facility (MMF) is a maintenance company that is quite large and has been around for a long time, namely in 1991, MMF is always trying to be as efficient and effective as possible to complete orders for various requests from customers. For manhours efficiency is one factor that needs to be consideredin doing the job. This study discusses TAT, TAT can be obtained through the MPD, by multiplying the MPD value by the multiplier. In this discussion, looking for anew multiplier factor to be used to find the TAT value, which then uses the linear programming method. The multiplier is the value unit used by the planner in finding the manhours plan, while linear programming is used to find the value of the multiplier that has been determined by the planner. From the results of this study, the TAT value was obtained for 12 hours. And it is expected that more efficiency from the new planner.