Abstract :
PT Jati Kawi Group is a heavy equipment provider, contractor, and sand
mining company located in Sukabumi, West Java which one of its sources of income
comes from sand mining. So far, the company has not analyzed the productivity of
transporting sand from the warehouse to the factory. Based on data from 2021 that
the delivery of silica sand from the warehouse to 3 companies, namely those
abbreviated to SK, IC, and IP, shows that the percentage of silica sand delivery
shortages from demand and planned to the SK factory is 0.249%, to the IC factory
by 0.005%, and the IP factory by 0.221%. That means the fulfillment of silica sand
needs against demand to 3 factories has not reached the planned amount and has
not met demand. Based on the above data, it is necessary to analyze productivity
using the match factor method between the production level of the sand mine with
the conveyance and loading equipment to the factory and then analyze the causes
of the problem and how to overcome it. From the results of research using the match
factor method on the transportation of sand mines from the warehouse of PT Jati
Kawi Group to the destination factories of PT SK, IC, and IP shows a match factor
(MF) value of 0.87. Thus the value MF < 1, meaning that the loading equipment
works less than 100%, while the transportation equipment works 100%, so it is said
that the productivity of the loading equipment is not good because there is waiting
time. The result of the lack of productivity in sand transportation is that there are
several influencing factors, namely humans, methods, processes, machines, and the