Abstract :
Fuselage is one of the main structures in an airplane and is the main one
that receives loads and is also susceptible to external damage. Damage that occurs
to the fuselage must be repaired immediately and evaluated whether the damage
exceeds the limit or not to be declared airworthy. In aircraft maintenance on
damaged structures, repairs must be carried out following the guidelines, namely
the SRM (Structural Repair Manual). SRM (Structural Repair Manual) is a repair
manual issued by the manufacturer to the MRO (Maintenance Repair Overhaul) or
those who have the authority to carry out aircraft repairs.Modeling and analysis is
carried out using CATIA V5R21 software based on the finite element method with
the modeling stage, design part to be analyzed, input material properties, assembly
part, general structure analysis, fastened connection, load and restraint, compute,
meshing, and the final result von mises stressed. After analysis with CATIA V5R21
software, it will display the results of the maximum stress when a structure is given
a tension load, so that the maximum stress can be used to determine the Margin of
Safety of the structure being analyzed. The highest margin of safety value for the
structure when damage occurs at a flight altitude of 8000 feet is 15,14 and the
lowest value is at a flight altitude of 40000 feet of 4,09. While the highest margin
of safety value for the structure after repair occurs at a flight altitude of 8000 feet
of 13,41 and the lowest value and lowest value at a flight altitude of 40000 feet is