Abstract :
The KT-1B aircraft canopy is an important component that ensures pilot safety
during flight. Canopy failure can have disastrous consequences, including loss of life
and property damage. Therefore, it is important to perform a canopy failure analysis to
identify potential failure modes and implement measures to prevent them.
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is a method that has been widely used in the
aviation industry to increase the reliability and safety of aircraft. EOQ is a systematic
approach that involves identifying functions and potential failure modes of each
component, determining the consequences of failure, and implementing appropriate
maintenance strategies to prevent or reduce the impact of failure.
This study aims to analyze the failure of the KT-1B aircraft canopy using the EOQ
method and the Trend Least Square (TLS) method. TLS is a statistical method used to
analyze data trends over time. This study involved a comprehensive review of available
literature on the KT-1B canopy and interviews with experts in the field. This study
identifies functional and potential canopy failure modes, determines the consequences of
failure, and recommends appropriate maintenance strategies to prevent or mitigate the
impact of failure.
The results showed that the most common KT-1B canopy failure modes were
related to the canopy latch mechanism, canopy cover, and canopy glazing. The
consequences of this failure mode range from minor damage to the aircraft to loss of life.