Abstract :
Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) is one of the new airports located in
Kulonprogo Regency. Access to the airport is still relatively difficult to reach by
public transportation. An informative application is needed to assist prospective
passengers in providing information. Therefore, an application based on artificial
intelligence is made that is able to provide information and recommendations for
vehicle rental places according to the vehicles that people want to use. This
application will make it easier for visitors to take sightseeing trips to the area
around the Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) airport. This application
utilizes the Simple Hill Climbing method, in utilizing the Simple Hill Climbing
method the community will get information on the distance from the airport to the
nearest to the furthest vehicle rental place. In the test results using the Black Box
method goes according to the main design of the application and based on
community assessments it shows that it is very effective to use with a success rate
of 90% from the community's assessment as users.