Abstract :
Windshield is an important component in operating an airplane, the condition
of the windshield can affect the pilot's vision to see the situation outside the aircraft,
precisely in front of the aircraft. windhiseld failure can propagate so that there is
the potential for other failures that can jeopardize flight safety. for this reason,
identification of the potential risk of failure on the windshield should be done. This
research aims to analyze the occurrence of failures in the Windshield.
This research using Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis method.
where this method uses two analyses, namely Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)
and Criticality Analysis (CA). This method identifies potential failures and
determines the criticality of a failure mode.
The results of the analysis can determine the Risk Priority Number value that
occurs in Delamination with an RPN value of 294, which indicates that this
component is a component that has the highest level of risk of occurrence. criticality
analysis results show the Crack failure mode has the highest level of criticality with
a value of Cm 99 and Cr 990