Abstract :
Target Drones, commonly called Unmanned Aerial Targets (UAT), are
unmanned vehicles that are shaped like airplanes and are generally used by the
military as targets in Alutsista shooting exercises. The pilot controls the aircraft
control system remotely via radio waves using a remote controller (transmitter).
Target Drones have also been used by the Indonesian National Armed Forces
(TNI). However, in its development in Indonesia, it is still very minimal, so the
target drones used are made in other countries. Therefore, researchers are trying
to design the BLITZER A23 Drone Target, which is expected to be developed and
used in military Alutsista target shooting exercises.
In designing the Target Drone, the DRO (Design Requirement and Objective)
will first be determined. DRO obtained several parameters, such as wing length,
estimated weight, and cruising speed. Where these parameters are obtained from
the data of the comparison aircraft. Next, the dimensions of the Target drone will
be calculated. The measurements obtained will be made in a 3-dimensional model
using CATIA software. The next step is to analyze the aerodynamic characteristics
using ANSYS software.
The results of the design of the BLITZER A23 Target Drone obtained a wing
length of 2.5 m, an aircraft length of 3 m, a maximum weight of 38.179 kg, and a
cruising speed of 360 km/hour, or 97.2 m/sec. At the same time, the results of the
aerodynamic characteristics of the BLITZER A23 produce a lift of 1554.84 N and
a drag of 76.8678 N at an angle of attack of 0°.