Abstract :
At this time there are still many campuses that have not taken advantage of
technological developments for automatic access and attendance of libraries, one
of which is the ITD Adisutjipto campus. So far the ITD Adisutjipto library uses a
manual system so it is less effective in terms of time efficiency. Besides that, the use
of the ITD Adisutjipto student card is only as identification. Utilization of student
cards for access to the library is very effective and efficient in terms of time. In the
world of education, this kind of thing must begin to be implemented considering the
increasingly sophisticated technological developments and the complexity of
activities on campus, especially the ITD Adisutjipto campus. One of the concerns
is access to the ITD Adisutjipto library, which until now is still manual.
In this research, a attendance prototype was created for access and
automatic attendance at the ITD Adisutjipto library which functions to increase
security, convenience and time effectiveness for access to the library by utilizing
KTM and wifi as data senders. The design of automatic library access and
attendance uses the NodeMCU ESP8266 module as receiving, processing, and
sending data using wifi to Google spreadsheets, the RFID module as access used
by students for library entry attendance, LCD as a display of library entry
attendance information, LED and Buzzer as library entry attendance indicator, and
google spreadsheet is used to store library entry attendance information.
Information from KTM that is sent and stored on google spreadsheets is
information on time, date, ID, name, and NIM.
The test was carried out by attaching the RFID card to the RFID reader to
obtain test results with a maximum detectable distance of 4.2 cm with an average
response time of 0.162 seconds, and sending a signal to the NodeMCU ESP8266
module which the program has uploaded. The NodeMCU ESP8266 module will
receive and process signals if KTM has been registered. Then NodeMCU ESP8266
will send student attendance information to Google Spreadsheet with an average
response time of 4.74 seconds.