Abstract :
In calculating the efficiency of sending payload and ground segment data for a C++ based program using half duplex communication, it is intended that the media give an illustration of the efficiency of sending payload and ground segment data. The C++ based program on the aruino payload uses half duplex communication which is an innovative future in the aviation field. Several changes to the float, integer and len program coding commands to identify and determine the speed, accuracy and efficiency of data. The speed of sensor data communication can be determined from the amount of sensor data in one data frame transmission. There are a number of character data in it consisting of sensor data values. System testing refers to the len function which calculates the difference between the number of characters received by the Arduino Mega 2560 payload from the sensor before adding the compress command to the Arduino IDE 1.8.5 program and the number of characters received by the ground segment in the Visual Studio 2019 application on the Arduino Mega payload. 2560 with a data transmission speed of 9600bps bits per second and a transmission delay of 200ms, so that you get the efficiency of sending data for one character. The result of implementing additional C++-based program coding on the Arduino Mega 2560 payload and ground segment is 45%. The data received by the ground segment is the same as the data sent by the payload after the data is compressed. The report received by this payload indicates that the compressed data has been successful and there has been 2-way communication, namely half duplex communication, so that the system is declared successful through half duplex communication properly.