Abstract :
Indonesia has a tropical climate, where there are two seasons: summer
and rainy season. When it is summer, the weather around us becomes sultry. In
addition, global warming is another factor that affects the weather to be
uncertain. Room humidity greatly affects the effectiveness of activities or even in
work. Working in an environment that is too stuffy can reduce the physical ability
of the body and can cause fatigue too early. In this research, an exhaust fan is
made that can work automatically to remove air from the room outside the room.
Arduino nano is used as the main control of this system which gets 5V DC
input from the adapter. The DHT 11 sensor functions to read the humidity of the
room and is sent to Arduino nano. Arduino nano processes the program data
created and sent to the output in the form of relays and servo motors attached to
the dimmer. The servo motor functions to adjust the exhaust fan rotation speed
and the relay functions for the on/off switch. The research was conducted with 3
research methods, namely by designing and making tools, testing sensors, and
testing tools.
The exhaust fan can work automatically, saving energy and time because it
does not need to be turned on or off. It is known that the exhaust that has been
designed has 4 speeds. The test site obtained an average humidity of 52.6% RH,
an average power consumption of 0.00907765 kWh, and a power consumption
difference of 0.01115535 kWh or can save power by 55.13% with a fixed rotation
exhaust. In addition, the automatic exhaust can save electricity tariffs reaching Rp
16,12, - / hour.