Abstract :
Modelling the motion system on a DC Motor is needed to validate the parameter values of the DC Motor and determine the stability of the Motor speed. DC Motors are actuators that are widely used in industry, ranging from conveyor Motors to door-closing Motors and others in production and industry. A good DC Motor speed kontrol must have resistance to interference and a fast and accurate response. The purpose of this research is to get a DC Motor kontrol model with PID proporsional, integral, and derivatif and get the DC Motor kontrol parameter values to produce a stable response. The PID method is one of the kontrol methods applied in industry. PID is also a kontroller for determining instrumentation systems with feedback characteristics. PID kontrol components consist of three types, namely: proporsional kontrol, integral kontrol, and derivatif kontrol. In this final project, research was done on modeling DC Motor kontrol using the Matlab Simulink program to see the results of the PID kontrol response. From the results of the discussion it was concluded that the PID method was able to provide a control response of 0.63%. Tests show that each PID value parameter has different characteristics of the system response, where the proportional integral PI controller has an overshoot of 10.56% with a settling time of 2.9 seconds, while the control PID modeling Kp 1.5, Ki 0.3, Kd 0.2 gets a more stable response, with an overshoot of 0.63% and a settling time of 1.09 seconds.