Long Rêgo Da Silva, Adelino
T Technology (General)
2024-02-27 02:59:48
Abstract :
KTP is a personal identity card owned by Timor-Leste citizens aged 17
years and over, KTP is expected to be used for public purposes such as health
services, passports, access IDs and others. The access ID itself is an object/proof
to access a system in other words is an electronic subkey. In addition, KTP also
serves to prevent dual identity with a unique barcode on each KTP. To increase the
use of ID cards and improve data security, the idea of developing basic materials
for resident cards using a kind of chip embedded in it was sparked. So it became a
title "Design a Safe Locking Prototype Using Identity Card Recognition with RFID
Based on NodeMcu Esp 8266''. The author developed IoT (Internet of Things)
technology with the Blynk application, namely by using RFID sensors, NodeMCU
ESP8266 devices as microcontrollers and ID cards used as a substitute for safe
keys, for locking brnagkas using selenoid components so as to reduce crime in the
form of break-ins by criminals while educating the public that KTP is not only used
as a personal identity but also as a security device where in In the ID card, there
is a chip that has its own unique code for the owner. The result of the Safe Lock
Prototype Design Using Identity Card Modification with Rfid Based on Nodemcu
Esp 8266 is a safe prototype with an RFID sensor reader as a reader and a
modification of Identity Card which is also made from RFID card. This prototype
works optimally at a distance of less than 0.85 cm with an average reading time of
0.27 seconds.