Abstract :
Parking Stand usage activities can be seen using the approachsystem modeling and simulation. Starting from arrival or departurethe first aircraft and the arrival or departure of the next aircraft.So that these activities can be described in a simulation model withThe aim is to analyze the utility of using Parking Stands in BandarZainuddin Abdul Madjid Lombok International Air.In this research, an aircraft activity simulation model was designed usingusing a simulation approach in Promodel 4.2 software. Simulationrun based on a real system that has been verified and validated. ResultsThe simulation shows the average utility percentage value is 16.232%, which ismeaning the value is very low, between 0-100%. This is due to quantityParking Stand at Zainuddin Abdul Madjid International AirportLombok has a large number of 24 Parking Stands which is not comparablewith flight activity of only 27 planes in 1 dayWork.Based on the research results, alternative proposals are proposed foroptimize the use of Parking Stands, namely by increasing the numberflight activities at Zainuddin Abdul Madjid International Airport,where alternative proposal 2 includes additional flight activities in 1weekdays to 70 aircraft. The results of proposal 2 show the utility percentageThe average Parking Stand is 46.175%, this shows an increasethe utility of each Parking Stand and the use of more Parking Standsequally.