Abstract :
UMKM DOS Muffler is a UMKM that produces racing exhausts,especially drag bikes. Currently, DOS itself has produced everythingkind of motorcycle exhaust, especially 4T. Problems that MSMEs often faceis the lack of balance in the workload of working time at each work stationthus resulting in a Bottleneck. One of the reasons is lackingproductive in the production operational process because each activity has not beenachieve the targets that have been determined so that the production process has an impactdecrease. then a trajectory balance analysis is carried out using the Ranked methodPositional Weight (RPW). Results before balancing.The Line Efficiency value for making exhaust headers is obtained19.4% with a Smoothing Index of 117. And making an exhaust sliderof 17.8% with a Smoothing Index of 119 then it is declared not yetbalanced on the production line for making exhaust headers and manufacturingselincer where this balance has not been achieved, because of Line Efficiencynot yet close to 100%.With the method applied Ranked Positional Weight (RPW), changes in working hours, changes in work stations and additional numbersThe production line efficiency value for making exhaust headers was 98%.with a Smoothing Index of 2. Meanwhile, the Line Efficiency value for making selincerexhaust is 88% with a Smoothing Index of 6 and is declared balanced wherein this case the trajectory balance is close to 100% and the Smoothing Indexapproaching 0.