Abstract :
CV. Mega Jaya Logam is one of the companies engaged inmetal and Aluminum business, operating for more than 10 years to dateThis. With total production of 2304 units. CV. Mega Jaya metal performsquality control by setting a maximum defect limit of 5%.Of the amount produced by the company there are product defects amounting to 11.06%in production with the type of product damage, namely Deformation shapeexcessive, Rat tails small cracks, holes. Problems facedcompany is because the defect rate is higher than the established limitdetermined, so that the level of loss received by the company is greater. Objectiveof this research is to find out the factors that influence product quality,find out the sigma value and provide suggestions for improvements to reduce product outputdefects with the DMAIC Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control cycle from SixSigma.The Six Sigma method is used to reduce defects in productionmanhole products and improving product quality through the DMAIC stage. CycleDMAIC focuses on defects, starting with identifying critical elementson the quality critical to quality of a process to provide suggestions for improvements related to defects that arise. This research carried out species identificationdefects that often occur, the factors that cause these defective products along withwith proposed improvements using the Six Sigma and Fault methodsTree Analysis FTA with the aim of finding out the causes of defects and correcting themso that defects no longer occur.Several main factors cause defects in Manhole products, namelyThe influencing factors are environmental factors, namely room temperature conditionsnot suitable and subject to change, the material factor is old sandis still used so it can cause defects, the method factor is lackProcedures/SOPs that are known to new workers and only known to workersfor a long time and the last is the worker factor, namely the lack of focus of workers onduring the production process. From the results of processing historical dataproduction, the company's current Sigma Condition is known, namely: Sigma LevelThe company's current value is 3.30, obtained from the average sigma value, valueDPMO is still above 100,000, which means the company is still at level 3 sigmaand There are no approaches/improvements available in the production process and only focuson reducing defects.