Abstract :
The Ministry of Transportation continues to develop national railways
throughout Indonesia by improving services in terms of comfort, security, safety
and timeliness in order to increase public trust. The main indicator of the success
of transport service delivery is from the aspect of safety and security, while
humans themselves become one of the factors of train accidents among the 3
factors of facilities & infrastructure, human resources, and natural factors. This
study aims to measure the mental workload of machinists at UPT Crew KA
Yogyakarta with a perspective during official travel in the locomotive as a train
crew consisting of the role of a machinist and assistant machinist, which is then
compared based on the role of the train crew and based on the classification of
the machinist's position level. The subjective measurement method used is the
RNASA-TLX Method which is a development of the NASA-TLX method where the
measurement dimensions have been developed and adjusted to evaluate mental
workload in driving activities. RNasa-Tlx is adjusted into the following indicators
consisting of: Mental Demands, Visual Demands, Time Demands, Auditory/
Hearing Demands, Difficulty in driving, and Difficulty in understanding
information. As a result of the mental workload measurement, the RNASA-TLX
score for the Machinist role was 75.54 and for the Assistant Machinist role was
75.85. Overall, the measurement results show that the workload felt by the train
crew is classified as a high workload because the average WWL value obtained is
in the range of 50-79. From the study results, it was found that the WWL score as
a train driver is dominated by activities that require mental activity and as an
assistant train driver is dominated by activities that require visual activity. On the
other hand, from the results of statistical testing with the t test, there is no
difference in the RNASA-TLX score for the role of train crew as drivers and
assistant drivers, so that these roles both require a high level of responsibility.