Abstract :
The Timeliness of Maintenance is the company's effort to fulfill the needs
and desires of consumers so that their aircraft can serve passengers according to
a predetermined time. PT. GMF AeroAsia is a company engaged in aircraft
Maintenance, Repair, and Maintenance Services. The timeliness of aircraft Engine
Maintenance is sometimes Delayed, especially in the installation or Assembly of
the Engine, so that Repairs are needed. The purpose of this research is to Analyze
and find out the factors causing Delays in the Engine Maintenance process in the
Core External Engine Assembly section. So, to overcome this problem, the Six
Sigma method is used. From the calculation results, the sigma value before Repair
is 2.4? and the process capability value is 0.8 which indicates frequent Delays.
After the Repairs were made, the sigma value obtained was 3.04? and the Process
Capability value was 1.01 which indicated that the proposed Improvements had a
positive impact on reducing Delay.