Abstract :
Float is a company that manufactures floats using Styrofoam raw materials
which have defects in forming the Styrofoam pattern and cutting the float cloth.
Fromthe results of data for 6 months, ZNA produced 168 units of buoys with 11
units of defective buoys and 159 units of safe buoys. The problem obtained is
the defect of 11 defective product buoys so that the percentage of defective
products is 6.91%, this makes the quality of the production process not good.
In this research the method used is the fishbone diagram and the Fault Tree
Analysis (FTA) stage or failure analysis tree. A fishbone diagram or fishbone
diagram is a method for analyzing the causes of a problem or condition. Often
this diagram isalso called a cause-and-effect diagram or cause effect diagram.
Meanwhile, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) or failure analysis tree is a technique used
to identify risks that contribute to failure. This method is carried out with a top
down approach, starting with the assumption of failure or loss from the top
event or main event then detailing the causes of an operation down to a root
Based on the results of processing using the Fault Tree Analysis method
due tohuman (employee) and material factors. The human factor is caused because
the main thing is irregular break times and make-to-order production. While the
material factor is caused because the main thing is the pattern that is made does
not match while theamount of cloth to make the pattern is limited.