Abstract :
Fast and Group PlayStation is a private rental business that provides PlayStation
equipment. Fast and Group PlayStation PlayStation rental is located on Jalan Sanggrahan,
Kel. Semaki, Kec. Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta City, DIY. Fast and Group PlayStation is a rental
of PlayStation equipment with a shuttle system that was established on April 12, 2022. The
PlayStation Fast and Group shuttle rental system offers convenience for customers. So the
method used to see the feasibility of a business is the NET PRESENT VALUE (NPV)
method. Based on the discussion above, the conclusion of this research is that it is worth
investing in the PlayStation equipment rental business. This can be proven from the
investment acceptance criteria and the NPV method of Rp. 154854407.8, that is, if the
calculation results show that the NPV is positive, then the investment is feasible and even in
the above calculation the NPV is far above zero. The calculation results show that if the NPV
is positive, the investment is worth implementing.