Abstract :
This research aims to analyze customer satisfaction withLost and Found unit on Citilink airline at Yogyakarta International AirportAirport (YIA) which is formulated in three main research questions, namelyhow to handle complaints at the Lost and Found Unit on Citilink airline,what is the customer satisfaction index for the Lost and Found Unit service, andWhat obstacles are often experienced by the Lost and Found Unit in providingCitilink airline passenger complaint handling solution.This research uses mixed methods with types of data collectionused are observations, surveys, interviews, literature studies andquestionnaire via Google Form to customers who have experiencedlost baggage, damage to baggage and using the Lost and Unit serviceFound at YIA Airport. The collected data is analyzed using techniquesdescriptive statistics and customer satisfaction index.The research results show that complaint handling in the Lost andFound on Citilink airline in the Tangible dimension with a value of 56.67%so that it can be said to be sufficient results for customers. Satisfaction indexcustomers towards Lost and Found Unit services in the Responsiveness dimensionshows sufficient results because it is marked with a value of 55.55%. Indexsatisfaction of the Reliability and Assurance dimensions is said to be satisfied because it is markedwith a value of 67.77% and the Empathy dimension is considered sufficient because it is markedwith a value of 57.77%.Apart from that, the research results also reveal that the main reason iscomplaints from passengers due to dissatisfaction with the services provided.This shows that good service is very important in fulfillingexpectations and avoid complaints or complaints from customers.