Putra Yulianto Wibisono, Dwi
T Technology (General)
2024-02-27 03:13:04
Abstract :
One of the parameters that affect the performance of the rotor system is the tail
rotor blade. the importance of the role of the tail rotor blade in the rotor system so
that the rotor can work optimally. If there is damage to the tail rotor blade, the rotor
will not be able to rotate properly, which can cause ongoing problems and can
endanger flight safety.
Analysis of indications of the causes of excessive vibration in the tail rotor is
based on observations and information obtained from competent field instructors.
Apart from using the observation method, this research also uses the fault tree
analysis (FTA) method to find indications of the cause of excessive vibration.
After knowing the problem, an inspection and troubleshooting process is
carried out to resolve and overcome the problem. Perform inspection and
troubleshooting based on Ref. Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) for Bell 412EP
helicopter chapter 18 section 10 regarding "Vibration Analysis".
The results of the analysis of the indications for the causes of excessive
vibration on the tail rotor of the Bell-412 EP Helicopter using the fault tree analysis
(FTA) method, there are 9 basic eventsthat can triggerthe top event of the Tail Rotor
Vibration, Drive Shaft Fatique, Broken Bearing, Shaft Bending, Lubrication Problem,
Gear Crack, Gear Aus, Blade Bending, Blade Crack.