Abstract :
The Phenom 300 aircraft PT. Pura Purawisata Baruna is an 8-seater jet aircraft
which was released in 2009, this aircraft uses landing gear that can be retracted and
extended, retracted and extended the landing gaer is moved using hydraulics. From several
incidents related to landing gear damage that cannot be retracted or extended at PT. Pura
Handling of retracted and extended landing gear system failures on Phenom 300 PT.
Pura Wisatabaruna was carried out at the STPI Curug hangar using the Aircraft
Maintenance Manual ATA Chapter 32 reference method, analyzing the causes of the failure
of the landing gear system that could not be extended, especially on the nose landing gear.
The result of the research on the nose landing gear system problem in Phenom 300 is
that there is a problem with the actuator. The problem was solved by doing troubleshooting
referring to AMM Phenom 300 task 232-21-02 for trouble shooting, AMM Pheom 300 task
32-21-02 for the removal and installation of nose landing gear and root failure analysis
using the fault tree analysis method, 17 basic events were obtained, namely Nose landing
gear problem, Main Landing gear problem, Nose L/G Control lever problem, etc.