Abstract :
Airconditioning system is a system that functions to support the comfort and safety of
passengers on the plane. Some of the possible damage that occurs to the air conditioning
system of aircraft is caused by age and poor maintenance factors. The problem that occurs
on the Boeing 737-300 TRI-MG aircraft at Hangar hall e PT Mulya Sejahtera Technology
Bandung is a problem with the recirculasion fan.
In this study, the direct observation method was used to observe and analyze the
handling of the Boeing 737-300 TRI-MG aircraft at Hangar hall e PT Mulya Sejahtera
Technology Bandung. In addition, this study also uses the fault tree analysis method to obtain
the root cause of the failure of the Boeing 737-300 TRI-MG aircondtioning system
.The results of the research on the problems of the Boeing 737-300 TRI-MG Fuel
system are problems with the recirculaion fan. These problems were solved by performing
troubleshooting referring to AMM Boeing 737-300 task 21-21-22 for trouble shooting, AMM
Boeing 737-300 task 21-21-22 for removal and installation of recirculasion fan and AMM
Boeing. 737-300 task 21-21-22 for removal and installation of recirculasion fan. By using the
fault tree analysis method.