Abstract :
Aircraft hydraulic systems provide means for the operation of aircraft
components. Operation of the landing gear, flaps, flight controls and braking
system is largely performed by a hydraulic power system. The complexity of
hydraulic systems varies from small aircraft that only need fluid to manually
operate the wheel brakes to large aircraft with complex systems. Hydraulic systems
play an important role in today's industrial world, both in the food industry,
manufacturing, power generation, and others. Hydraulic systems have many
advantages and benefits, including versatility and high efficiency. The piston pump
is one of the main power components of the hydraulic system on an airplane. As the
main source of providing fluid pressure to all components of the hydraulic system.
The pumps most commonly used in the aerospace industry are the pressure
compensated variable displacement type. The greater the pressure on the pump, the
easier it is to move the actuactor which has a heavy thrust requirement.