Abstract :
Exterior lighting is aircraft lighting that functions to prevent collisions between aircraft, and to determine the position of the aircraft while in the air. Thus the simulation of Taxi lights, Landing lights, Navigation lights, Anti-collision lights, Strobe position lights, Logo lights should be studied and understood. In making the aircraft lighting system, there is no simulator that has a time cycle that is similar to that of an actual aircraft. Based on these problems, taxi light simulators, landing lights, navigation lights, anti-collision lights, strobe position lights and logo lights are needed. This research makes a simulation design using a simple tool, namely by using an Arduino microcontroller with input from a 12Vdc adapter, and the microcontroller adjusts the LEDs installed on the miniature aircraft according to the location of the actual aircraft lights. The design and manufacture aims to understand the location of the Taxi light, Landing light, Navigation light, Anticollision lights, Strobe position lights, Airplane logo light and can also know the working system of the Taxi light, Landing light, Navigation light, Anticollision lights, Strobe position lights, Logo light on the plane through the plane miniature. The results of functional testing show that the design is capable of carrying out the functions of each component. The design has an anti-collision light flash rate of 45 times per minute with a frequency of 0.74Hz and for a strobe light flash rate of 60 times per minute with a frequency of 1Hz. The Taxi light, Logo light, Landing light, Navigation light do not have a flash rate. There is a time difference or delay between the strobe light wings and the strobe light tail of 1 second.