Abstract :
The current door lock system still uses conventional keys, so it is
considered less efficient for home security with the door being the main access to
enter the house, besides that conventional locks are less secure because they are
easily opened by thieves. So that a lock that is more practical and efficient but still
safe is needed, from this problem the author has the idea to produce a safe and
practical RFID-based door security device by utilizing the E-KTP as a lock on the
security door of the house. In this study using the RFID MFRC522 as a data
detection sensor for the ID chip on the Electronic Identity Card (EKTP) which
can later activate the Solenoid door lock as an automatic door security device.
Arduino Uno is used to respond to data that has been sent by the RFID MFRC522
for detection. So that this automatic door lock can operate. Based on the test
results, it can be concluded that the door safety device simulation can operate
properly according to the design made. The MFRC522 RFID used has a
frequency of 13.56 MHz which can read the ID on the E-KTP with a maximum
distance of 2.5 cm. The Solenoid Door Lock can be activated if the ID on the E KTP matches the data stored on the Arduino Uno.