Abstract :
In today's modern era, technological development has been very rapid and
has entered the era of technology 5.0. However, the development of technology in
the world of music is still lacking because the development of technology in the
world of music is only concerned with elements of function and aesthetics, it is
characterized by the development of software and hardware in the world of music. However, the output form of the results of these technological developments
rarely gives birth to a new instrument with sound or tone exploration based on the
technological developments of the 5.0 era. The lack of technological development
for sound exploration in the world of music, therefore this study aims to design a
Tone Frequency Generator tool using an ATMEGA2560 Microcontroller Based
Laser. This tool is based on a harp musical instrument that uses strings that are
replaced with laser light as a dawanya. In this study using a photodiode sensor as
a data receiver from the laser which will then be sent to the ATMEGA2560
Microcontroller as a calibration of the tone frequency data which will be output
to the buzzer in the form of a tone. With a 5V voltage source to turn on this Tone
Frequency Generator tool, when the laser is on then the photodiode sensor will
receive laser light and when the laser is touched then the sensor does not receive
laser light which then this data will be sent to the microcontroller and then will be
output to the buzzer. Testing the accuracy of this tool is done using an
oscilloscope. Testing using an oscilloscope aims to determine the waveform
output of the sound emitted by the buzzer, and to determine the dif erence in
frequency which is input to the microcontroller and which is output to the buzzer