Abstract :
The background of making this design is to facilitate the counting of visitors
in the room. This design can be used in factories or in entertainment venues. The
purpose of this research is to make it easier for the user or users to count the
number of visitors in an area or room. Counting the number of visitors can provide
management information to be able to optimize the place and evaluate the
attractiveness of several crowded areas. Area managers can analyze and monitor
the condition of the center of the crowd. Another problem in this research is the
Covid-19 disease outbreak which is currently sweeping the whole world, especially
in Indonesia, so that the number of victims infected with the virus is rapidly
increasing. Of all the problems above, we need an automatic system that is used to
count the number of people who pass through the door. In this study, the parameter
used is the detection of passing objects. This tool will use the HC-SR04 ultrasonic
sensor to count the number of people passing through the ultrasonic sensor at the
door. The system uses the Ardino Uno microcontroller which is used to control the
system and the output will be displayed on the 16×2 LCD. Based on the test results,
it was obtained that the design of the visitor counter tool was successful in scanning
objects with a maximum distance of 50 cm. Through the buzzer warning on this
device, you can control the number of visitors that enter the room. In this study
using a door with a width of 80 cm and a height of 180 cm. Accuracy test results
obtained by 99%.