Nur’ain Azhari Annisa, Dinda
Q Science (General)
2024-02-27 03:20:52
Abstract :
The Yogyakarta Adisutjipto Dirgantara Institute of Technology (ITDA)
Library still provides a library website for limited information, especially for
many groups. On the website referred to by the ITDA library, no application
implements visualization related to the library building, so those interested who
want to know the library building cannot see the atmosphere inside the library. So
that with the development of technology in this modern world, a Virtual Reality
Tour application was designed in 3D form using the panoramic image method so
that application users can see the atmosphere of the ITDA library and aim to
attract interested visitors. In testing this application, two tests are used, namely
functionality testing (Black Box) and User Usability testing. The results of the
functionality test show that all the features in the VR application work well. Whereas in the User Useability test it is tested using questionnaire data which
will later be processed in the Guttman Scale test. The Guttman Scale test is
carried out with two tests, namely the validity test and the reproducibility test. The
results of the validity test on the reproducibility and scalability coef icients show
that the data being tested is valid data. Likewise, the results of the reproducibility
test show that the data tested has a value of 85,480% so it has a high relationship
between the user and the Virtual Reality Tour application, the Adisutjipto
Yogyakarta Aerospace Technology Institute Library.