Abstract :
Technological developments can open jobs for someone. Many startups need work to create and develop a technology. One of them is the programmer profession. However, not everyone has the same ability in their fie Technological developments can open jobs for someone. Many startups need work to create and develop a technology. One of them is the programmer profession. However, not everyone has the same ability in their field. Programmer is a person whose job is to develop software or applications. When creating a program, there is a flowchart that must be considered and then translated into computer language using certain code so that it becomes a command for the computer to carry out certain tasks. In order to make the right decisions in this study, the weighted product method was used. Testing the calculations carried out by comparing manual calculations with calculations on the system using the WP method shows that the calculation results obtained are the same. The selection process is important because if you choose the wrong programmer candidate it will have an impact on the quality of work and increase the cost of developing the system or application. In addition, the selection process can also take a significant amount of time and effort for the company. For that we need a method of selecting the best programmer quickly and accurately so that the selection process can be done easily. One way to do this is to use a decision support system. Programmer is a person whose job is to develop software or applications. When creating a program, there is a flowchart that must be considered and then translated into computer language using certain code so that it becomes a command for the computer to carry out certain tasks. In order to make the right decisions in this study, the weighted product method was used. Testing the calculations carried out by comparing manual calculations with calculations on the system using the WP method shows that the calculation results obtained are the same. The selection process is important because if you choose the wrong programmer candidate it will have an impact on the quality of work and increase the cost of developing the system or application. In addition, the selection process can also take a significant amount of time and effort for the company. For that we need a method of selecting the best programmer quickly and accurately so that the selection process can be done easily. One way to do this is to use a decision support system.