Abstract :
Pertamina opens a lot of input for services provided in order to provide services
to consumers, ranging from social media accounts to applications provided by
Pertamina, namely MyPertamina as a place for customer activities in making
transactions. Currently, MyPertamina on the Google Play Store has been downloaded
with a rating of 2.4 and 302 thousand reviews (September, 2022). A fairly low rating
accompanied by various negative and positive reviews shows that the services
provided by MyPertamina have not fully met the expectations of MyPertamina users.
The comparison at this stage is comparing the accuracy results of each method,
namely the Support Vector Machine and Naïve Bayes methods. The test method for
calculating accuracy for both Support Vector Machine and Naïve Bayes data was
performed using a confusion matrix by comparing all testing labels with training. In
the Support Vector Machine algorithm, the precision value for the positive class is
100%, the negative value is 94.52%, and the Naïve Bayes algorithm has positive
precision of 36.84%, negative is 98.78%. The success rate of the system in
rediscovering information for the positive class Support Vector Machine algorithm
was 3.53%, negative class by 100%, and negative class Naïve Bayes algorithm by
97.03%, positive 28.82% system performance was very low in terms of system success
in rediscovering positive classes in the data. The review data collected was 3000 after
removing duplicates into 2998 reviews latest July 19, 2023 and back on the
MyPertamina application from the Google Play site. Based on the sentiment class
classification process, the number of negative class reviews was 2,828 and positive
reviews 170 reviews. Based on the analysis conducted with Rapidminer using the
Support Vector Machine algorithm has an accuracy of 94.53% better than Naïve
Bayes 93.16%.