Abstract :
The central museum of the Indonesian Air Force "Dirgantara Mandala" is a museum initiated by the Indonesian Air Force to capture historical events within the Indonesian Air Force, which is located in the Adisutjipto Air Base complex, Yogyakarta. In pervert requires filing, namely office work documents or administrative work which are mostly carried out by every business entity both in government and private business and applications are made using general correlation analysis Karl Pearson product moment correlation is to see the level of strength or closeness of the relationship between the two variables, see the direction of the type of relationship between the two variables and see whether the relationship is significant or not. In this study, an application was made for the administration office of internal affairs and in testing this application used a function test, comparative test and x and y correlation analysis test to analyze the data, but in the x and y analysis test the correlation could not provide an outcome considering the data used in small numbers.