Abstract :
Application Programming Interface (API) is an interface built by system
developers so that some or all of the system functions can be accessed
programmatically. Meanwhile, Representational State Transfer (REST) is an
architectural style of API development that uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) to communicate data. This study implements the REST architectural style
in the development of API as a back-end information system in inflation monitoring
for Angkasa Pura I Airport flight management. The API developed uses Javascript
Object Notation (JSON) as the standard format for data communication and JSON
Web Token (JWT) as the user authentication code. This study shows that API
development was successfully carried out on inflation monitoring at Angkasa Pura
I Airport flight management and that REST was implemented to facilitate the
development of the API structure. This research produces a back-end inflation
management information system at Angkasa Pura I Airport based on REST API.
The API is tested in three stages, namely JWT testing on a large number of back end servers, API testing and system functional testing.