Abstract :
One form of progress in information technology in the field of
transmission at this time is by building an internet network, one example is
building a Local Area Network (LAN) internet network. Wireless network
implementation requires Quality of Service (QOS) service standards. There are
several QOS parameters, namely Throughput, Packet Loss, Delay/Latency.
Therefore the researcher conducted an analysis of the internet or computer
network of the Local Area Network (LAN) type at the Dirgantara Putra Bangsa
Vocational School, Yogyakarta. In this study, the researcher used a descriptive
method. Can be interpreted as a procedure for solving research problems by
describing the state of the object carried out for research. There are two test
results, namely the data normality test and the Paired Sample T-Test for
normality test results on abnormal Packet Loss data and the results of the Paired
Sample T-Test there is no significant difference to the data collection before and
after. Optimization has been carried out by adding proxy and network
management at the Dirgantara Putra Bangsa Vocational School so that network
management can be maximized. The conclusion from the analysis of the Paired
Sample T-Test, then if Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, it can be concluded that
there is no significant difference to the network at SMK Dirgantara Putra