Abstract :
People's need for electrical energy is getting bigger, with greater energy
needs, alternative energy is needed such as solar thermal energy to replace fossil
energy in meeting electrical energy needs. In this research, the author makes a
design of a microcontroller-based solar tracking system using a light sensor and a
servo motor as a solar panel driver. The tracking system for the direction of sunlight
will make the solar panels move to follow the movement of the sun, so as to
maximize the absorption of solar energy.
Arduino nano is used as the main control of this system which gets input
from the results of the voltage divider of the Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) sensor
which is then processed by Arduino nano to the output system in the form of Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM). The sunlight direction tracking system will make a
difference in the results of the static solar panel voltage with solar panels using a
sunlight direction tracking system. The results of the voltage from each solar panel
will be measured using a multimeter measuring instrument once an hour, from
07.00 WIB to 17.00 WIB.
From the results of the design that has been made, the system successfully
works by following the movement of the sun's rays. The results of measurements
made, it is known that solar panels that use a solar tracking system are more
optimal in receiving sunlight than static solar panels. The average voltage
generated by solar panels using a sunlight tracking system is 9,5 Volts, and static
solar panels are 9,2 Volts. With these results, solar panels that use a tracking
system for the direction of sunlight get an increase of 0,3 volts.